My first blog.
I created this blog for a university paper, EDCR 332 - Curriculum Content and Pedagogy.
Our lecture has asked us to reflect on the Reading by Janet Burns - Technology, Intervening the world (1997).
Overall I found this a very heavy read. It was a lot of information to process. Through out this reading I was trying to identify what was important (as you do). Below are my opinions.
It starts by describing the difference between an invention and innovation. Innovation is a complex process, where as invention is a flash of inspiration. Therefore technology is innovation. Whaaaat does this mean?
This quote by Thomas Edison help me understand the above statement. "Invention is 99 per cent perspiration and only 1 per cent inspiration (Burns, 1997, p. 21). Technology is making something to meet a need. If done right it is a complex process that involves a lot of work. You have to think about the: social impact - ethics (intrinsic); the organizational aspect, and technological aspect - e.g. barriers for material.
Its all quite confusing but to break it down so I can understand it.
Technology is an advanced process of problem solving.
It changes the world and science helps us understand it (Burns, 1997).
First post over.